Articles tagged with EPSC

  1. MarsSI at EPSC 2024

    By PSUP

    PSUP was once again present at EuroPlanet Science Congress 2024, which took place in Berlin from September 8th to 13th 2024.

    A presentation poster was displayed for a day, allowing to make discover the system and its latest news, or discuss with Matthieu Volat. Lunar, Mercury and the very recent …

  2. EPSC 2022 splinter workshop on Martian Orbital data combination

    By PSUP

    The Planetary Surface Portal (PSUP) is organizing a splinter workshop during EPSC 2022 dedicated to the combination of Martian Orbital Data. A demo of the tools offered by PSUP tool named MarsSI ( will be offered. MarsSI provides both a way to explore and use data from space …