EPSC 2022 splinter workshop on Martian Orbital data combination

Translations: fr

The Planetary Surface Portal (PSUP) is organizing a splinter workshop during EPSC 2022 dedicated to the combination of Martian Orbital Data. A demo of the tools offered by PSUP tool named MarsSI (marssi.univ-lyon1.fr) will be offered. MarsSI provides both a way to explore and use data from space agencies archives, such as the Planetary Data System (PDS), but also run data processing pipelines to produce corrected and map-projected data set, ready to be used in Geographic Information System for analyzes. Optical images (eg : HiRISE or CTX), hyperspectral data cubes (OMEGA and CRISM) are available. MarsSI allows also the processing of both CTX and HiRISE Digital Elevation Models on demand. A demo of QGIS by managing MarsSI output products will also be proposed.

The workshop will be held : Tuesday, 20 Sep, 15:30–17:00 (CEST)|Room Splinter Sala de Prensa
