PSUP qualification renewed

Translations: fr

We are delighted to share that CNRS-INSU comitees responsible for ANO5 evaluations transmitted us their conclusions about the 2019-2023 period, and that they are very positive. The service is renewed and its value is highlighted by the extension recommandations that were suggested. These will feed the discussions for future orientations of the tools.

Translation of the original text sent to the project:

Evaluation : Positive
The ANO5 comitee and CSAA congratulates the staff involved and are in favor of renewing the qualification of the service. Both renew their encouragement to integrate data from other objects in the Solar System. If those of Mercury (BepiColombo mission) and the satellites of Jupiter (JUICE mission) are indeed in the service's line of sight, it could already ingest the data coming from the Rosetta mission and in the near future those of the MMX mission to the moons of Mars. The rapprochement with the OSUs/laboratories involved in the “planetary surface” theme so that they become partners is supported. The formation and opening indicated of the Service Users Committee to members external to its development team must in this perspective come to fruition quickly.